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How Much Is Labiaplasty In Bethesda, Maryland?

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How Much Is Labiaplasty In Bethesda, Maryland?
30 Jun

Excess labial tissue can be really embarrassing. Not to mention, it can get in the way of certain activities. Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure for excess labial tissue that makes them appear flush with each other. So, how much is labiaplasty in Bethesda, Maryland?

Give Me the Quick Facts On Labiaplasty

A specialist simply trims your excess tissue, reducing the size of your labia to improve comfort and appearance. It can be done with local or general anesthesia, and your recovery is normally very fast. You should try and take a week off from work, but you are normally back to all your usual activities and more within a month!

Tell Me More About Recovery

You should expect a little swelling and bruising in the area for about two weeks but can return to work in about three days. You need to avoid exercise and sexual intercourse for about a month. Surgery only takes about an hour, and scarring from your incisions is barely noticeable.

Can Labiaplasty Really Help Me?

Yes. A big reason is because they are interfering with your sex life and other activities. For instance, your labia might be getting in the way of sexual activity, cause you to sit uncomfortably, or may cause self-esteem issues because of their appearance.

Okay, How Much Is Labiaplasty In Bethesda, Maryland?

The price of labiaplasty varies with your individual needs, provider performing your surgery, and geographic location. However, the cost of labiaplasty is around $3,000.

Turn to the DuPont Institute for Stunning Results With Labiaplasty!

Talking about your excess labial tissue can be tough, but that doesn't mean you should have to live life uncomfortably. At the DuPont Institute, we are known for our innovative and personalized approach to your health.

Contact us today at (301) 654 5530 to schedule a consultation for labiaplasty, and reclaim your feminie health and pleasure!

Find solutions to your intimate concerns at DuPont Institute

Your journey to sexual health and wellness is unique. Contact the team at the DuPont Institute today to learn about the innovative treatments that can help you improve your sex life and personal wellness. Discover how you can not only find your mojo but get back into the groove of your life. The DuPont Institute serves the Chevy Chase and Washington, D.C. areas.

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